10 Ways Notion Has Become My Virtual Assistant Game-Changer

I've got a secret to share. While I pride myself on being an expert in organisation, I must admit that a significant part of my success is thanks to Notion. I constantly recommend it to my clients, so it's only fair that I share this gem with you too!

Notion is a single space where you can think, write, and plan. Capture thoughts, manage projects, or even run an entire company — and do it exactly the way you want.

Source- Notion

Let me start by explaining my roots. Prior to becoming a VA and business owner, the majority of jobs I had since I left school in 2002 were for large organisations. Shops, restaurants, banks, and building societies, all on a large scale and all with multiple platforms and software tailored perfectly for the organisations they served and for the job they were required to do. One platform for CRM (Customer Relationship Management), one platform for the company intranet filled with useful information and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), one for internal communications, one for customer-facing transactions, one for back office transactions, and the list goes on and on.

Stepping out of that world into a world where nothing was prepared for me was a shock. No more starting a role where everything is laid out for you and ready to go. No more instruction manuals, no more colleagues to turn to for support, no more emails from head office informing me of important information. It was a bit like leaving home or finishing education. It was time to find my own way.

Where do I go for answers? Where do I store client information? Where do I keep track of what I’m doing?

Then I discovered Notion. And if I hadn’t, I would have drowned in a sea of post-it notes or lost my mind for sure.

As someone who provides admin support to small businesses and start-ups, my day is a whirlwind of tasks and timelines. One minute I’m a project coordinator for a charity, the next I’m an executive assistant to a coach, snap your fingers again and I’m working for a trades business. I have to be multiple people in one day. Imagine juggling but with laptops and coffee cups.

That's where Notion swoops in, my digital superhero! The answer I had been looking for. An opportunity for me to build my own platform from scratch. Exactly how I wanted it.

I’ve discovered many fantastic tools and digital solutions since becoming a VA, but I can hand on heart say that Notion is the best discovery yet and I believe it is an essential tool for a startup or growing small business. With low costs and extreme versatility, it is a calm in the storm and rightly labelled a ‘second brain’.

In the spirit of sharing (because sharing is caring), here are the 10 ways I use Notion to keep my virtual world in orbit. And if you're itching to try these out, check out the link at the end of this post. Let's jump in!

1. CRM – A Digital Rolodex with Perks

Notion is my CRM go-to. For each client, there's a dedicated space with timesheets and an interactive noticeboard. For clients I make travel arrangements for, they each have their own calendar so I can quickly access information and see what’s coming up without it getting tangled in my own calendar entries. It’s like giving each client their own digital room in my virtual office.

2. Task List with Superpowers

Every task gets tagged with the client's name, a deadline, and notifications. I can add notes to each task as the work progresses, and add documents, links, images and videos to help ensure I get the job done well.

A sneak peek at my task template

3. Social Media Planner – My Creative Studio

I've crafted a Social Media Planner in Notion which I can view as a calendar, timeline, list or table. I’ve created a template so I am prompted to prepare the relevant information for each post including, where and when to post, image/video, links, and hashtags. It's where I concoct all my social media magic in advance. Ready to post? Just a click and you're golden.

4. Prospects List – Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

Here's where I track potential future collaborators. It's like a roadmap to new business opportunities.

5. SOPs – The Backbone of My Operations

Documenting Standard Operating Procedures in Notion helps me maintain consistency. It’s like having a cheat sheet for efficiency.

6. Marketing Materials – All in One Place

Storing marketing materials in Notion means everything is just a glance away. No more hunting through endless folders.

7. Household Outgoings Tracker – Because Life Happens

Yes, I use it for personal budgeting too. It helps me keep my finances as organised as my professional life.

8. Useful Links/Articles – My Digital Library

This is my stash of interesting reads and resources. It’s like building my own little corner of the internet.

9 Company Intranet – Centralising Knowledge

Notion serves as an exceptional company intranet, meticulously crafted from the ground up. It has evolved in sync with my business, providing a singular hub where all necessary information is readily accessible at my fingertips.

10. Collaborating on Projects – Teamwork, Streamlined

Working with clients on projects within Notion is seamless. It’s like a virtual brainstorming lounge.

Notion Q&A

Who uses Notion?

Regardless of your industry, the fact that Notion is built from scratch means that it really is suitable for everyone. And if you’re not too tech-savvy or just don’t have the time, there are lots of templates available for you to use.

Can you use Notion offline?

Yes! That’s a real plus point. If you download the desktop app you can access it offline. it will update the next time you are online. A plus point if you have a dodgy internet connection.

Are Notion Pages Private?

By default Notion pages are private but the wonderful thing is, you can add people to them. Just to one page if you want or to multiple. Adding guests (who have a different email domain to you) is free so you can invite collaborators to specific pages without it costing a thing.

I could go on, but you’re probably not as enthusiastic about it as I am (yet!). I’m starting to sound like I work there.

Let’s just call me a superfan!

And that's the grand tour! Notion isn’t just a tool; it’s a part of my daily success story. If you’re keen to elevate your productivity, click here and see the magic for yourself.

Explore Notion Here

P.S. I'm always eager to hear how these tools work for you. Add a comment and let's celebrate your organisational wins together! 🌟


My Top 10 Tools for Business Admin


Balancing the Side Hustle Life with Virtual Assistants: The New Normal