Delegate Like a Pro: Tips for New Small Business Owners

So you’ve got an idea…

…a dream, a vision and a limited budget. You’ve decided life’s too short and it’s time to take the plunge a start your own business. How exciting! You’re an expert in your field and can’t wait to share your knowledge with the world and make an impact in a way you have dreamed of for years.

But let’s face it, you’re probably not an expert in all areas of running a business. Chances are you have already taken on an accountant as they are experts in… well, accounting! And you may have had your website built by a pro. But what about all the admin? You’re in no position to hire anyone at the moment and you really need to spend your time generating income. Perhaps it’s time to consider using a virtual assistant. But how do you decide what to delegate?

Delegating tasks to a virtual assistant can help you focus on what matters most, ensuring the success and growth of your business. In this blog post, we'll explore how to decide what to delegate and how virtual assistants can help you maximise your efficiency and productivity.

Identify Your Core Competencies

The first step in determining what to delegate is to identify your own core competencies. These are the skills and talents that you excel at and that contribute most to your business's success. Focus on these key areas, as they are where you can make the most significant impact.

List Time-Consuming or Repetitive Tasks

Take a close look at your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Identify those that are time-consuming or repetitive but don't necessarily require your specific expertise. These tasks are prime candidates for delegation. Examples might include email management, data entry, or scheduling appointments.

Recognise Your Weaknesses

It's essential to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses. Are there areas where you lack expertise or struggle to keep up? Delegating these tasks to a skilled virtual assistant can help you improve your business's overall performance. For instance, if you're not skilled in graphic design, delegating this task can result in more professional and visually appealing marketing materials.

Prioritise High-Value Activities

Consider the tasks that drive the most significant revenue or have the most considerable impact on your business's growth. Your time and attention should be focused on these high-value activities. Delegate lower-priority tasks to a virtual assistant, so you can dedicate your time to the areas that will have the most significant payoff.

Analyse the Cost-Benefit Ratio

As you evaluate which tasks to delegate, consider the cost of outsourcing versus the value of your own time. If the cost of hiring a virtual assistant to handle a task is less than the value of your time spent on it, delegating can result in a net gain for your business.

Start Small and Test the Waters

If you're unsure about what to delegate, start with a small project or task to test the waters. This will give you an opportunity to evaluate a virtual assistant's skills and work style and to determine whether the arrangement is beneficial for your business.

“There is no sin in delegating. The sin is trying to do it all”

Deborah Roberts


Delegating tasks to a virtual assistant can be a game-changer for new small business owners, freeing up valuable time and energy to focus on high-priority activities. By identifying your core competencies, recognising your weaknesses, and prioritising high-value tasks, you can make strategic decisions about what to delegate. Remember, the key to successful delegation is finding a skilled virtual assistant and building a trusting, collaborative relationship. So take the plunge and start delegating today – your business will thank you for it!

If you are ready to discuss delegating to a virtual assistant, get in touch today.


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